Try turning some of these tips into daily habits to help elevate your health and fitness results. I promise you won’t be disappointed! Start with one to not get overwhelmed. 


A wise coach once told me, “little by little, a little becomes a lot.”


So much of healthy living is composed of what we do daily. Therefore, the small things that we do daily might not feel significant at the time, but when done consistently can have a stunning result.



16 Daily Habits to Elevate your Health and Fitness



1. Start your day with a healthy morning routine


Routines are so important to us as human beings we thrive on them. A healthy morning routine will increase your productivity throughout your day, decrease stress and boost your happiness. We have so many responsibilities and tasks throughout the day we must take the time to start our days off right.


2. First thing in the morning, drink water


Coffee is fantastic, but have you tried chugging a glass of water when you first get up? Re-hydration when you first wake up helps to aid digestion. It is also excellent for skin health and improves your energy. Start with a glass before your coffee to create this simple habit.


3. Have a daily green smoothie


Green smoothies are an easy, on-the-go breakfast option that gets in your daily greens and boosts energy. Throw in fruit and extra protein to many it that much more nutritious and delicious.


4. Take a daily probiotic


Gut health maintenance has significant significance on our digestion, immunity, health, and so much more. Having a probiotic daily is the simplest habit you can implement into your morning routine to boost your gut health.


5. Take the stairs to elevate your health


Take the stairs rather than the elevator to get some extra physical activity into your day. It will also help tone your legs and glutes and energize your body when giving you that second wind.


6. Fill half your plate with Veggies


Filling your plate up with veggies is a simple habit to improve your nutrition to feel full longer. Also, eating more vegetables will help curve those cravings, so you don’t search for the sweet stuff an hour after your meal, reducing binge eating.


7. Eat whole food


Eat whole foods that are nutritious and fibrous. Foods that you can find in your pantry and meals made in your kitchen are always a safe bet. Try to avoid foods that are processed, fast food restaurants and pre-packaged food.


8. Stand up every 30 minutes when at work


Get up to stretch, especially if you have a job where you sit most of the day. Try to stand when you can, or ask your manager for a standing/sitting desk. According to Healthline, by standing an extra 3 hours a day, you can burn an additional 100-200 calories. This number may not seem like a lot, but it can amount to over 5 pounds in a year.



9. Get some sunlight


Spending time in the sun is one of my favourite activities. Sunlight has so many benefits to our health as it provides us with vitamins, strengthens our bones, improves sleep quality, reduces blood pressure, and so much more. Just remember to wear your sunscreen!


10. Sweat Daily


Aim to be physically active for 20 to 30 minutes a day in a way in which you enjoy exercise. Go for a bike ride, spin class, yoga, or gym or take your dog for a run. See How to Start a Fitness Routine: for Beginners for tips on starting regular physical activity if you are new to fitness and need some ideas on how to get started.


11. Cultivate a positive mindset


Tell yourself that you will have a great day, listen to positive and motivating podcasts, write positive affirmation notes to yourself and leave them on your mirror to read each day as you get ready. Positive self-talk can change your life; make it a daily habit of being kind to yourself.


12. Get enough sleep


Adults usually need 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night. Sleep is crucial to health and weight loss. If we do not get enough sleep, it causes a hormonal imbalance in our bodies that decreases our metabolism in response.


13. Work on overcoming your fears


Overcoming your fears and taking action will build your confidence. Work daily on what scares you for mental and physical growth.


14. Manage stress with self-care activities


Take time for yourself to reduce stress. Take a bath, get a massage or sit down with a good book. Whatever your stress management care looks like, be sure to leave time in your day to relax.

15. Meal prep or plan your meals the day before

Having your meals planned the day before would prepare you for success in your healthy lifestyle. You won’t be reaching for the take-out menu when your meals are in the fridge. Planning healthy snacks will keep you on track and well on your way to achieving your goals.


16. Be consistent

Consistency is the key to success. If you are consistent with your workouts, meals, and self-care, your results are limitless.

Be patient with your journey to a healthy and happy self. Strive to incorporate these habits into your daily life until they become a part of your routine.

What are your healthy habits? Comment below.